20 years ago, my twin sister and I ran away in the wee hours of the morning of January 17, 1997.

20 years ago, my twin sister and I ran away in the wee hours of the morning of January 17, 1997. It was -9 degrees out that morning. No one knows how long we were gone but immediately after my dad noticed we were missing and called the police. They didn’t know where to start. Officers got stuck going up a hill and got out to figure out how to get free. Officer Kister found footprints that lead into an alley. He then found kids shoes, and continued following the footprints. Then Officer Kister and Officer Wagner found Kourtney and I in the snow. Kourtney was hovering over me, and told Officer Wagner ‘Please, help my sister.’ I was unconscious. They ran us to their cruisers and took off for the hospital. Officer Wagner informed me I was slowly dying in his arms as we arrived to the hospital. Upon arrival they accepted Kourtney but I was so close to death they llife-lighted to a nearby hospital where the only known doctor could do a warming blood transfusion. It is where they made two incisions in me and warmed up my blood. I was then in a coma, and the odds didn’t look promising that I’d wake up. Doctors told my parents even if I did wake up the possibility of brain damage was high. Shortly after all of that talk, I woke up with no immediate signs of damage.

After months in the hospital and endless physical therapy we got to go home. Today, I am writing to share our story. My sister and I owe the Omaha Police Department, and Officer Kister and Officer Wagner everything. I am so thankful, and want to share this miracle of a story to everyone. Police are good, God is good and sometimes people just need a reminder of that.”

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