4 things many people do in the morning that put themselves closer to a stroke, and should be avoided at all ages

Stroke, a condition many are familiar with, is no longer confined to the elderly; it increasingly affects younger individuals as well. Strokes are incredibly dangerous, and without timely detection and treatment, they can pose serious threats to our lives.

According to a recent article, certain morning habits can significantly increase the risk of stroke. Below are four common habits that health experts urge us to avoid to minimize this risk.

1. Jumping Out of Bed Immediately Upon Waking

Many people have the habit of abruptly getting out of bed as soon as they wake up. According to health experts, this is one of the most common morning actions that could lead to a stroke.

Medical professionals explain that while we sleep, our parasympathetic nervous system is active, resulting in a slower heart rate, gentler heart contractions, and lower blood pressure. Abruptly jumping out of bed activates the sympathetic nervous system, causing the heart rate and blood pressure to spike suddenly. This rapid change can lead to the rupture of small blood vessels in the brain, potentially causing a hemorrhagic stroke.

To reduce this risk, Dr. Quang advises staying in bed for 1-2 minutes after waking up. During this time, gently massage your face, eyes, head, and neck to gradually transition your body into an active state.

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2. Drinking Salt Water Immediately After Waking

Many believe that drinking diluted salt water upon waking has antiseptic benefits, strengthens teeth, and promotes gum health. However, experts warn against this habit.

Consuming excessive salt can lead to high blood pressure, kidney damage, and an increased risk of stroke. Moreover, drinking salt water on an empty stomach can irritate the esophagus and stomach lining, potentially causing inflammation and ulcers over time.

3. Exercising Too Early in the Morning

While exercise is vital for health, doing so at dawn, especially before sunrise, may be harmful. At this time, the temperature tends to be low, increasing the risk of colds and vasoconstriction. These conditions can exacerbate cardiovascular issues, potentially leading to myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular diseases, or even stroke.

For individuals in poor health, exercising too early can also disrupt sleep patterns, impairing the body’s ability to function effectively and increasing the likelihood of injury. Experts recommend waiting until later in the morning, when the sun has risen and temperatures have stabilized.

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4. Drinking Large Amounts of Water Upon Waking

Staying hydrated is essential, but drinking excessive water immediately after waking, especially in winter, can strain the heart.

For individuals with preexisting cardiovascular conditions, drinking too much water at once can lead to symptoms such as shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and even stroke. Experts suggest consuming a moderate amount of water, approximately 200-300 ml, in small sips rather than all at once. It’s also important not to wait until you’re very thirsty to drink water.

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