How can you treat varicose veins? The varicose veins of the legs are common problems among many people, and varicose veins appear in the form of wide and prominent veins in the legs and varicose veins affect the aesthetic appearance of the legs and also cause pain when standing. There are many causes of varicose veins such as age, weight, periods of standing or sitting, pregnancy and genetics. There are some recipes and natural remedies to treat the problem of varicoseveins and spider veins legs.
Natural treatment of varicose veins
1- Treatment of varicose veins with garlic, lemon and olive oil:
This mixture helps to improve blood circulation and reduce swelling of varicose veins and protects cells from oxidative damage, which prevents the appearance of varicose veins.
Chop 10 cloves of garlic and add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 4 tablespoons of olive oil.
- Transfer the mixture to a glass jar and leave it for 12 hours.
- Apply the mixture to the varicose veins using a cotton ball twice a day for a month.
2- Treatment of varicose veins with apple cider vinegar, aloe vera and carrots:
This mixture helps stimulate blood circulation in the veins and is rich in antioxidants and important vitamins such as (A C – E) that help repair skin tissue in case of damage.
- Mix a tablespoon each of carrot juice, aloe vera jelly and organic apple cider vinegar in a bowl .
- Use a cotton pad to apply the mixture on varicose veins 3 times a day for a month.
3- Treatment of varicose veins with witch hazel:
Witch hazel strengthens veins and acts as an anti-inflammatory in addition to its astringent properties that help tighten and repair swollen veins and relieve pain.
- Fill the bathtub with lukewarm water and add 15 to 20 drops of witch hazel extract.
- Soak your legs in the bathtub for at least 15 minutes and then wash them with clean water.
4- Parsley and rose oil for the treatment of varicose veins:
Parsley is rich in many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect cells from damage to free radicals responsible for blood problems, and it is also rich in vitamin C, which stimulates the production of collagen, making it an excellent treatment for varicose veins, and rose oil improves blood circulation, which ensures the maintenance of the health of the veins
- Mix half a cup of chopped parsley with a cup of water and boil it for 5 minutes and leave it to cool and then strain.
- Add 3 tablespoons of rose oil in the filtered liquid and mix them together well
- Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and put it on the affected area and then rinse it with warm water twice a day for two months.
5- Treatment of varicose veins with calendula herb (Marigold):
Calendula is anti-inflammatory and contains flavonoids that improve the health of veins and improve blood flow in them.
- Mix a cup of calendula herb with 4 cups of water and boil for 5 minutes.
- Dip a cloth in the mixture and then apply it to the affected area several times a day for a month.
6- Treatment of varicose veins with cabbage:
Cabbage is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemical compounds that reach the veins through the pores and help blood clotting and thus stop blood leakage and prevent varicose veins.
- Cut 3 leaves of cabbage into small pieces and then chop them in a blender.
- Strain the mixture to extract the juice.
- Apply cabbage juice on varicose veins 3 times a day.
7- Tomato seeds for the treatment of varicose veins:
Tomato seeds contain salicylic acid, an anticoagulant that prevents blood clots and improves blood flow in the legs, and tomatoes contain leukopene, which reduces the appearance of damaged veins.
- Chop 2 tomatoes into small pieces and put them in a blender to become a smooth mixture.
- Distribute the paste on the varicose veins and leave it for 15 hours and then rinse it.
- Repeat this treatment 4 times a day for two months.
8- Olive oil and varicose veins treatment:
Olive oil is characterized by its anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the size of dilated veins and stimulate blood flow, olive oil also contains essential fatty acids and vitamin E that improve the passage of blood through the veins.
- Warm a little olive oil in a bowl and then massage the varicose veins with warm oil for a few minutes
- Repeat this treatment twice daily for two months.
If you suffer from varicose veins, you can use any of these simple natural recipes, but if your condition does not improve, you should consult a doctor to receive appropriate treatment for your condition.
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