For 20 long years all I did was prayed and hoped I would become a mother one day. Ethan, my husband, and I tried everything, from IVF treatments, to medications, you name it.
And just when I felt like I lost hope entirely, something inside me told me to give it one last try. However, by that time, our marriage was a bit different than it used to be. Ethan was more distant, took plenty of business trips, and stayed at work until late in the night.
I tried not to bother myself with his behavior because I was aware infertility is an issue that takes its toll on a marriage.
And then, on my last try, the pregnancy test was positive.

With inexplicable joy, I ran into the living room where Ethan was and showed him the test. “Ethan, all those fertility treatments were not in vain, we are going to be parents.”
But instead of the reaction I expected, Ethan simply said, “Well, that’s great.”
Being overjoyed by my dream finally becoming a reality, I ignored Ethan’s indifference.
The day when my son Liam was born, Ethan chose not to be in the delivery room.
Again, I didn’t get mad at him because all I could think of was meeting my baby.
When I first held Liam in my embrace, it felt like every piece has fallen into its place. What I didn’t assume was that my life would soon take a different turn.

“Ethan, here he is, our baby boy,” I said, welcoming him to take Liam in his arms. But Ethan acted strange. Looking down, he asked, “Are you sure this baby is mine? Because my mother has a proof that says otherwise.”
“What? What proof? Ethan, what are you talking about?” I said as I felt my voice broke.
“She saw a man waiting for you outside our home. I’ll be back when I’m ready to talk,” he said, walking out the door and leaving me trembling with anger and hurt.
Devastated, I called my friend Lily and told her everything. She said there had to be more to the story than Ethan revealed and suggested I hire a private detective and get to the bottom of his strange behavior.
The private investigator, Lydia, said she needed a couple of days before she had anything on Ethan.

When I got home from the hospital, my husband was nowhere to be seen. It was as though he forgot all the pain and devastation after the treatments that failed over and over again before Liam was born.
Did he ever cared? I asked myself.
It’s been two days before I heard from Lydia. She said what she needed to share with me was serious and that we needed to meet in person so I invited her over.
“Listen, Claire,” she said, looking at me as though she felt sorry for the woman standing opposite her. “Ethan has been with you for your money. Over the years he has been siphoning money from your inheritance. And it wasn’t for himself, but for his other family.”
“What other family, Lydia, what are you talking about.”

What she said next crushed my entire world. My husband had another woman and three children. And the worst of all was that he had been sabotaging my attempts to conceive throughout the 20 years I struggled to fall pregnant.”
As tears started rolling down my face, I recalled how I spent years blaming my body while the person I trusted the most had been tempering with my treatments.
I was crushed to the point I wanted to disappear. But I needed to be strong for Liam.
Instead of crying over the betrayal I reminded myself of my worth and focused of what really mattered.

Once I was able to collect myself, I called my lawyer and told him everything. He prepared divorce papers that I placed on the kitchen counter.
The following day, I heard Ethan’s car park in the driveway.
He started apologizing, assuring me he won’t ever leave like that. Allegedly, he needed time to compose himself after his mother’s words of my alleged affair.
“Please, Claire, you need to forgive me. It won’t ever happen again, I’m here to stay,” he said.
I looked at him straight in his eyes and coldly asked. “Honey, what are your three children’s names?”
He froze, becoming aware that his double life was exposed.
“By the way, grab the divorce papers from the kitchen when you leave,” I said and went upstairs with Liam. The next thing I heard was the sound of the door slamming.

With Lydia’s information, my lawyer built a solid case against Ethan and the clinics that sabotaged my fertility treatments. They said it would take time before that case is finalized, but time was something I was willing to invest in.
Of course, the house and the business that have always belonged to me remained in my possession.
Life felt good, and I was happy I was free from my toxic husband responsible for all my tears and despair.
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Love and Peace
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