
October 13, 2023 Science And Nature 0

Wider field of view surrounding the Crescent Nebula I’ve also spent the past week opening up a wider field of view surrounding the Crescent Nebula […]

Full Moon

October 13, 2023 Science And Nature 0

Full Moon The entire illuminated side of the moon is visible from Earth, appearing as a complete circle. Waning Gibbous A large portion of the […]


October 12, 2023 Science And Nature 0

Something special to share with you today. This is more than 100 hours of data collected in all filters with my largest telescope at 4,000mm […]


October 12, 2023 Science And Nature 0

First Quarter The right halt of the moon appears illuminated and visible, while the left half appears dark. Waxing Gibbous A large portion of the […]


October 11, 2023 Science And Nature 0

It has hydrogen, helium ammonia and methance. What makes Uranus unique is its sideways spin,similar to rolling a ball along the ground but with its […]