Astronomy and Space

Some 1.1 billion years ago
1.1 billion years ago Now,as Earth”s atmosphere was changing,the continents were moving,to. They broke up and reassembled into the next supercontinent,Rodinia. Rodinia was a real […]

Some 2.4 billion years ago
Around 2.4 billion years ago,cyanobacteria evolved to become our planet”s first photosynthesizers. Finally , we had some oxygen producers, to make Earth”S atmosphere much […]

Some 3.3 billion years ago
3.3BILLION YEARS AGO Earth didnt stay as a water world very long. Soon , the very first continents emerged from the ancient oceans. Scientits call […]

Some 3.8 billion years ago
3.8 billion years ago On this hot early Earth , there were no oceans. All water existed as gas.But 3.8 billion years ago , our […]